How to Protect a USB Flash Drive
This is a kind of old tweak have been using to protect my flashdrive
so today i will be given the tweak for free
so follow the step below and you will finally get there
1- Start > Run > type “regedit” to open regisry editor
2- Navigate to this: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
3- Create a new key with the name “StorageDevicePolicies”
4- On the right side, Create a new “DWORD Value” with thr name “WriteProtect” and give it “1" as Data
5- Then put the USB Flash Drive.
6- Try to Delete a file Or Copy something to it, You will not be able to do that.
7- To disable this feature, just change the data from 1 To 0
so today i will be given the tweak for free
so follow the step below and you will finally get there
1- Start > Run > type “regedit” to open regisry editor
2- Navigate to this: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl
3- Create a new key with the name “StorageDevicePolicies”
4- On the right side, Create a new “DWORD Value” with thr name “WriteProtect” and give it “1" as Data
5- Then put the USB Flash Drive.
6- Try to Delete a file Or Copy something to it, You will not be able to do that.
7- To disable this feature, just change the data from 1 To 0